
Grazie ai nostri Supporters

Sponsorizzare WordCamp Italia Online è un ottimo modo per supportare la community italiana di WordPress. Ringraziamo di 💜 ogni sponsor di questo evento!
Oggi vi presentiamo gli sponsor Supporter di WordCamp Italia!

Easy WP logo
Maurizio Melandri logo

Grazie di 💜 per il vostro contributo!

Di Margherita Pelonara

I am Margherita Pelonara, I am 47 years old, I have a husband, 2 sons (27 and 17 years old), 2 cats and an insane addiction to lipsticks (and WordPress, of course!). I help freelance women who want to take their businesses and their lives to the next level: I build websites with WordPress, fix them, update them and teach them how to use them.
Always in love with the Web, I am a WordPress "artisan" since 2013, a WordPress trainer, a passionate advocate of accessibility, a champion of sharing (on social network) and a feminist.

If WordPress is involved, it is quite likely that I will be there.

WordCamp Italia 2021 is over. Check out the next edition!