Scrivere una documentazione tecnica efficace: lo stai facendo bene?

Se sviluppi temi e plugin, la documentazione tecnica dovrebbe essere un tassello fondamentale per supportare le persone che usano il tuo prodotto.
Eppure spesso la stesura dei documenti tecnici viene bistrattata o relegata a oscure pagine scritte in “tecnichese”.
In questo talk vedremo alcune buone pratiche per scrivere una documentazione tecnica efficace, anche quando l’argomento da trattare è ostico.
Vedremo come produrre testi chiari, che sappiano parlare al tuo pubblico di riferimento senza fargli venire il mal di testa e, soprattutto, che offrano tutte le risposte necessarie per usare al meglio il tuo tema o plugin.


Di Alice Orrù

I love writing lists, so here's one with some of the activities I most identify with:

– WordPress Polyglot
– Inclusive and Accessible Language Advocate
– Freelance Multilingual Web Content Writer and Copywriter
– Software Localization and Translation (EN-ES > IT)
– Alt Text Writer

For those who prefer to read juicier descriptions:
I am an Italian who emigrated to Barcelona, Spain, in 2012.

I work as a web copywriter specializing in inclusive language, SaaS content writing, content accessibility, and software localization.

Working in 3 languages: English, Italian, Spanish.

I write and translate content that describes people, companies and products in a transparent, reliable and inclusive way. I use inclusive language to reflect company values, to clarify doubts, to accompany your customers during the buyer's journey.

My professional experience in customer service had a great impact on my writing skills.
Assisting people and solving their problems taught me a lot about empathetic communication, adapting the tone of my writing to diverse contexts and creating clear technical documentation.

WordPress is my favorite CMS. That's why I'm an active contributor to the WordPress community: I love volunteering during WordCamps around the world, and I'm a General Translation Editor for the Italian Polyglots team.

WordCamp Italia 2020 (online) is over. Check out the next edition!